Energy saving in hydronic conditioning systems: theoretical analysis and practical feedback on variable flow systems.
This is the theme of the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, at 2.30 pm, at the Holiday Inn Naples (Centro Direzionale Isola E / 6 – Via Domenico Aulisio – Naples).
In the last years, the thermo-technical field is witnessing a real cultural revolution concerning the sizing of the plants and the selection of the relative components, whose selection – from an energetic point of view – is no longer carried out according to specific efficiency criteria, but following a far more realistic energy approach, based on seasonal average indices based on load conditions and specific climate profiles of the geographical area of reference.
As part of centralized air conditioning, the choice of variable-flow hydronic systems has significantly contributed to the improvement of energy performance, both in terms of operation at part load and in the component related to the electric consumption of auxiliaries (first of all those of circulation pumps).
Recently, modern systems have emerged that allow the modulation of the flow of water directly to the primary circuit (known in the literature with the acronym VFPP – Variable Flow Primary Pumping) and which contribute significantly to the energy efficiency and to the containment of operating costs. of the plant.
However, from an overall viewpoint it is of fundamental importance to consider the optimization of the whole system-system, including the type of automatic regulation adopted.
In particular the use of modern pressure-independent valves (Pressure Indipendent Valve), as well as a correct balancing of the circuits, allow considerable practical and energetic benefits. These specific topics will be studied in depth and the results of simulations and dynamic tests carried out on plants and in the test laboratory will also be illustrated.
Also the Ranieri Impiantistica will be present at the meeting with its technical director Lino Ranieri, Delegate Territorial AiCARR Campania.
Professional Training Credits are foreseen for Engineers and Industrial Experts.
Among white mountains, made of clouds.
Only today we are able to write, pain needs time.
Our founder, Michele Ranieri, but first husband, father, grandfather, friend, trusted confidant … is gone.
He flew to the sky on Friday 22nd September and we now imagine him among white mountains, made of clouds.
As a friend has written to us, even there there will be a better air, Michele will be working with his skills built on passion, tenacity, stubbornness and foresight.